Five Steps to Improving Your Mental Wellbeing

Five Steps to Improving Your Mental Wellbeing - Written by Quantica Medical - a leading UK medical sector recruitment agency

 Five Steps to Improving Your Mental Wellbeing With life for everyone feeling a little crazy at the moment, improving your mental health and wellbeing is more important than ever. Thankfully, NHS research suggests that there are steps everyone can take to improve our mental health and wellbeing. Below are 5 steps healthcare professionals and indeed… Continue reading Five Steps to Improving Your Mental Wellbeing

20 million rapid lateral flow

While most of us have been asked to stay at home, some still have to go to work and provide vital public and economic services such as healthcare, risk prevention and more basically producing food for our over-stocked pantries. The government has recently expanded the range of companies who can join the program of rapid… Continue reading 20 million rapid lateral flow

Coronavirus Variants: How Effective Are AstraZeneca, Janssen and Pfitzer Vaccines?

Do Covid 19 vaccines also work on variants? Several studies are underway around theworld to answer this question. At the moment the vaccines appear to be fully effective on theKent variant, while for the South African and Brazilian there may be a decrease ineffectiveness. There are three variants that are closely monitored by the worldwide… Continue reading Coronavirus Variants: How Effective Are AstraZeneca, Janssen and Pfitzer Vaccines?

COVID-19 vaccination program has been delivered to all care home residents

The NHS should consider themselves proud for having successfully vaccinated (first-dose) to 300,000 residents in care homes for older people and around 400,000 staff in residential care in England. Britain was the first Western country to start mass vaccine administration two months ago, and to date, more than 13 million people have already been vaccinated… Continue reading COVID-19 vaccination program has been delivered to all care home residents

Workplace testing has received a much-needed financial boost

While the country is in lockdown some vital sectors can’t adopt work from home policy. The real problem is that approximately out of 3 infected people 1 is asymptomatic, which means that even if they do not suffer from the symptoms of the disease, they could spread the virus without being aware of it. To… Continue reading Workplace testing has received a much-needed financial boost

GP’s will retire at an alarming rate post-pandemic.

A big alarm bell is ringing and shouldn’t be ignored. We could soon find ourselves with half of the general practitioners, without them being replaced by doctors from the EU because of Brexit. Doctors are helping to save lives, but they’re also tired of working incessantly on the brink of a nervous breakdown. More than… Continue reading GP’s will retire at an alarming rate post-pandemic.

Second wave seems to be behind but don’t lose your memory about 2020

2020 – a decidedly stressful year for the British healthcare sector. With the rush to the vaccine and more than 200,000 seriously ill from covid-19, the NHS is trying its best to support the nation. It seems that the second wave has passed, with a number of entrants per covid that in the second week… Continue reading Second wave seems to be behind but don’t lose your memory about 2020

5 tips to stay safe and healthy while you’re locked-in.

During the darkest days of the year, our level of serotonin, the happiness hormone, drops significantly and a lack of vitamin C raises stress levels. As if that weren’t enough, fatigue, accumulated stress, trauma not yet metabolized combinedwith economic uncertainty, social and political unrest are having complex implications on our health. Prof Wendy Burn, president… Continue reading 5 tips to stay safe and healthy while you’re locked-in.

12 hours wait A&E. What happens in the world while you wait 12 hours in A&E?

Time is EVERYTHING. The average human spends roughly 79 years or 692 040 hours onEarth. In only 12 hours, 182,500 new human beings arrive on our planet, the world’schickens will lay 95 million eggs, our bodies will lose and reproduce up to 25 trillion cells andYOU might be waiting to be admitted in an A&E.… Continue reading 12 hours wait A&E. What happens in the world while you wait 12 hours in A&E?