The Best Agency Nurse Advice and Top Tips

The Best Agency Nurse Advice and Top Tips

Whether you’re taking your first steps in launching your nursing career or are a seasoned nurse aiming to develop in your profession, there is no such thing as too much advice.

Opting for the role of an agency nurse does take a considerable amount of hard work, dedication and passion for caring for patients, which means it can become rather overwhelming at times. While working in the healthcare industry can be somewhat demanding, it couldn’t be more rewarding. With this in mind, we have collated all of our best agency nurse advice, along with seven top
tips to ensure that, even when times are a little stressful, you continue to adore what you do best – providing the best care for those who need you the most!

Agency Nurse Advice: 7 Hacks To Get You Through Every Shift

Many opt for the route of working via an agency when newly qualified due to the world of experience opportunities that will be available. Not only will vacancies arise in hospitals and GP surgeries but also hospices, care homes, prisons and home health roles; this will help individuals to get a better understanding on the field they’d like to specialise as they develop further.

Always Be Prepared

While you’re probably more than familiar with the quote “failing to plan is planning to fail”, you would be surprised how much a little extra preparation each day can work towards enhancing productivity and reducing stress.

To maximise shift preparation, begin your organisation the evening before, particularly if you know you’re not a morning person. The evening before your shift, iron and hang your uniform, so you do not have to rush before your shift. Perhaps determine your lunch, along with snacks, for the following day and prep these ahead of time. Ensure that all paperwork, your identification card and essentials for the day are packed in your bag ready to grab as you leave. While you may feel as if all you want to do is relax in front of the television when you get home, schedule as little as 10 minutes to get yourself organised. In doing this, you will achieve a stress-free, relaxed morning, avoiding arriving at work already flustered.

Get A Good Nights Sleep

While it may seem somewhat obvious, a good night sleep will most definitely set you up for a positive, productive day. Sleep allows your body to replenish; therefore, improving mental and physical health, along with enhancing your quality of life. According to research by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, anyone over the age of 18 should aim to have seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Even on the most stressful of shifts, try not to let the days events play on your mind and disturb your sleep.

Socialise With Colleagues

Regardless of the industry you work in, building a positive relationship with colleagues is imperative. Taking the time to socialise and get to know those who you will be working alongside every day will work towards your advantage in more ways that one.

Time Management

Every sector of the medical industry is incredibly fast-paced, which means that you will have to begin practising effective time management. Managing your time well will not only allow you to be as productive as possible but also keep stress at a minimum.

When it comes to time management, every individual will function differently; however, there are a number of tips that will help towards ultimate organisation and productivity:

Prioritise Tasks: First and foremost, when you arrive at your shift, take a look at your handover and begin building a list of tasks. Organise your tasks in order of priority, with those of the highest urgency at the top. Try to estimate how long each task will take you to complete and note this down. In doing this, you will have a clear plan of action of your day; therefore, able to keep a clear mind.

Arrive Early: Regardless of whether you’re doing a day or night shift, always aim to arrive at least ten minutes early. While an extra few minutes in bed may sound tempting, arriving a little early will allow you time to get organised.

Be Open Minded

As mentioned previously, one of the most significant benefits of becoming an agency nurse is the host of experience you will gain. With this in mind, it is important to stay open-minded and grab every opportunity with both hands.

Your consultant has your best interests at heart, so if they suggest a placement that is a little outside of your comfort zone, it is because they believe that you are the best candidate to take on the responsibility. Trust them and try something new. If you do not enjoy the placement as much as you had hoped, then it can be used as a learning curve to gain a better understanding of your strengths.